Today's job, after cleaning up all the aluminium swarf from panel drilling, was pressing in bushes. The rubber bushes went in pretty easily with the aid of some washing up liquid and a G-clamp:
Rubber bushes pressed in to a front wishbone
Unfortunately the metalastic bushes were considerably tougher to get in, defeating even that most versatile of tools, the large hammer. I managed to borrow a vice (thanks Pete) but that wasn't much use either, as I wasn't able to press the bushes in exactly straight. Eventually I made a simple press tool:
Press for metalastic bushes: nut, socket, wishbone, bush, socket, nut. Sockets are so that it pushes evenly on the correct bit of the bush / wishbone.
This made life pretty straightforward, although still fairly hard work to press the bush in... 15 times. Still, 23 bushes now pressed in today. This means that now I can start building up the suspension, at which point it will start looking a little more like a car. A little.
Metalastic bushes for the rear suspension.