Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Brakes on at last

We went to pick up the Elise today, and while I was there, Gerald very kindly popped the wheel hub into his 36 ton press (mental note: a press capable of applying 36 tons of pressure looks like a useful thing to have around the garage; it's really a false economy not to have one), and pressed the wheel bearing in fully. Once fully seated, the play is gone, and the hub is now back on the car.

We also ground down the third set of calliper bolts, and this time, mainly through being a lot more careful, and going to the effort of trial fitting each bolt between each grinding, got the bolts to exactly the right length (this is tricky: too long and they touch the brake disc; too short and they don't visibly protrude out of the other side of the hub they bolt into, which I think is an IVA fail - you're supposed to be able to see one or two threads if forum rumours are to be believed).

Looking forward to picking up the rear banjo bolts on Saturday, which will enable me to put fluid into the brake and clutch lines, and actually have two out of three working pedals.

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