Traction control hanging a bit shoddily off the bottom of the scuttle.
After a lot of fiddling around, I ended up with this. It's not perfect (slightly too wide at the bottom) but it's a big improvement.
Oil pressure gauge mounted.
When the sender adapter arrives I'll plumb it into the engine.
Meanwhile, I've also been dismantling the VANOS. The idle is a little bit rough, and I can't find any intake or exhaust leaks to explain this. So I tried unplugging the VANOS while it was idling, and noticed no change in the engine note at all (the VANOS should be adjusting the timing at idle, so normally unplugging it would make the idle get quite a bit rougher), which suggests that it's not doing anything.
Vanos solenoid.
The VANOS seals look OK-ish, and the solenoids all have about the right resistance, and click when I apply 12v to them, so it's not totally clear if they're working or not. I've ordered a replacement set of seals anyway and will see if that makes a difference.
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