Thursday, 12 August 2010


Being in the middle of changing jobs, I'm currently enjoying two weeks off work, which means I have lots of time for getting on with the car.

Today was spent sorting out the boot floor. This took ages, as the panels needed quite a bit of adjusting to get a good fit, and I had to make a couple of small panels out of some scrap aluminium. However, the final result is neater than I'd hoped for. There's a bit of a gap around the sides and back, but I've ordered some rubber trim to take care of this.

Small panel in progress.

Boot floor fitted.

I also finished sorting out the cycle wing brackets. One side was straightforward, but on the other, the reinforced part of the bracket was too long, which meant that I couldn't bend it over at the point where I needed to bend it (because the reinforced bit extended to this point):

The good side - note that the round section finishes below the cycle wing.

The bad side - round section extends up too high.

I broke out the angle grinder and the sledge hammer and soon put things right - both brackets are now the right shape.

Also finished some other odd jobs - the steering wheel is now attached to the quick-release mechanism. This was a surprising amount of hassle, but it's all together with a working horn now. Also did a bit more wiring, so the switches will light up properly now.

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