Thursday, 25 February 2010

Kit arrived

A very shiny chassis arrived today, along with lots and lots of bits and pieces. With Peter's help, we spent a few hours unpacking and ticking off a big list, so we now have a fairly good idea of what goes where. A few bits missing, but nothing that will hold us up. Well, apart from going snowboarding for the next two weeks.


  1. I see you have your jumpleads ready - can't be too prepared. I understand you'll have it finished by the weekend

  2. Best of Luck !

    Will be following this now I've found you, Peter(GKD) pointed me your way this morning.


  3. Thanks Richard, I'll need a bit of luck - are you thinking of building one?

  4. I am already building one :)

    You have benefited from a few mods as a result, even if you don't know it yet ;)

    Hope the snowboarding was fun.

  5. Ah, I think I've been following your thread on the Bristol Kit Car forum (I'm posting there as rodgling). I found another build thread on Locost Builders as well, so I'll be following both your progress with great interest (looks like you're both somewhat ahead of me, so you'll be finding the pitfalls for me).

    Snowboarding was great, thanks :-)
